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orange farm township project 2004
Day-centre for people with disabilities
| location | Johannesburg, Southafrika| typ | permanent
| university | Vienna University of Technology| status | in use
| department | Housing and Design| first sketch | 10/2003
| team | 27 students| designing | 3 months
| projectdirector | P. Fattinger, S. Gretner, F. Orso| building | 5 weeks
| projectpartner | s2arch| completion | 03/2004





‘Modimo o Moholo’, an organisation for the disabled that is based in Orange Farm, attempts to bring together disabled people, many of whom lead isolated existences in their small shacks taking little part in social life, and to employ them in the manufacture of handcraft products. The organisation was given a site by the City of Johannesburg on which the students erected a day-care centre with a sheltered workshop.

The building with a total floor area of 250 m² is broken up into three elements that define an internal courtyard. The work and common room is connected with the sanitary, storage and office spaces by large roofs. These in turn create areas sheltered from the weather where people can work outdoors.


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