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add on. 20 höhenmeter
temporary, usable installation in public space
| location | Vienna, Austria| typ | temporary
| university | Vienna University of Technology| status | dismantled
| department | Housing and Design| first sketch | 10/2004
| team | 24 students| designing | 6 months
| projectdirectors | P. Fattinger, V. Orso, M. Rieper| building | 8 week
| partners | Fund for Public Art Vienna| opening | 06/2005


For six weeks "add on. 20 höhenmeter" transformed Vienna’s Wallensteinplatz into a centre of urban interaction: A temporary structure capable of communicating and interacting with the general public was temporarily set up as a usable object with its own infrastructure in the middle of an urban square. The basic structure of "add on" consisted of different platforms that rose twenty meters high. In them custom-made spatial modules interlocked with prefabricated parts that had been imaginatively altered from their original functions. As an environment accessible to the general public, the entire installation was an invitation to explore new worlds, and offered a wide range of views and vistas at various levels.

The result was a fascinating diversity of perspectives of everyday life, of our surroundings in general, and more specifically of the location of the social platform itself. Accommodation was available in a separate wing. Here guests and invited artists could stay overnight in various modules designed by students of architecture.

“add on” functioned as a venue offering a dense programme of cultural events.


more Infos at:



Wallensteinplatz, 1200 Wien

June 18th until July 31st 2005


Opening Times:

Mon - Wed 10:00 - 22:00

Thu - Sun 10:00 - 24:00

Daily events starting at 19.00


Admission free!