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temporary use of an urban waste land
| location | Vienna, Austria| typ | temporary
| university | Vienna University of Technology| status | in use
| department | Housing and Design| first sketch | 11/2015
| team | 15 students| designing | 4 months
| projectdirector | Peter Fattinger| building | 7 months
| projectpartner | WSE, Caritas Wien (A)| completion | 10/2016


In the course of this year's design-build studio, a temporary place should emerge as interim use of the future urban development area “neuMarx” on the grounds of the former "Vienna Central Livestock Market".


In cooperation with various social institutions an open spatial concept will be developed and realized as a place of encounter and mutual exchange that addresses young people with different social and geographical backgrounds.

Under the title OPENmarx this place should be dedicated to unconventional, low-threshold, and -above all- experimental production and dissemination of knowledge.


In the sense of a mutual knowledge and culture transfer between the different users, a communicative spatial setting should be provided, which invites the local community as well as refugees from a nearby camp to build, learn, experiment, discuss, produce, play, do sport, cook, eat and simply spend time together.


The “Mobile Urban Lab”, which was designed and built by students in 2012/13 and so far has been located in the resselpark, was recently transfered and set up in “neuMarx”, where it now serves as base station and germ cell for the upcoming project.


The group of students already inhabited the "Mobile Urban Lab" on site, when they developed the designs for the community kitchen, community workshops, modules for sports- and leisureactivities, an additional classroom and public toilets during the winter-term. In the moment they are busy setting up a crowd-funding concept. Construction works will start in spring 2016.